Become a CP Artist
If you haven't read through our CP Artist Program guidelines, please go to the CP Artist Program page and review them before submitting your request to become an artist.
Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm in our company and products!
We are excited to get to know you and to welcome you to the Creative Percussion Artists family!
We like to promote our artists and know what's happening in their lives.
To help us do that, please complete the form below with as much detail as possible. If you have a bio written up already, we would love to have a copy. Please include either a link to the webpage in this form or email a pdf copy to cpcheri@outlook.com.
What will we use your information for?
We will gladly help to promote events for your band(s) and your personal and professional accomplishments, just email us to let us know what is happening.
We are always coming up with new products and look first to our CP Artist Family when we are in need of "Beta Testers". If we know you have experience in a certain area or are suffering from an ailment we are trying to help, we may call on you to test products for us, or to get input on ideas. This is the kind of info we'd like to see in the "About You Personally" section of the form below.
We think of Creative Percussion as a family. The more we can all get to know each other, the more support we can offer.
If you have multiple careers, like, you're also a photographer or graphic designer for instance, we'd like to promote that for you as well.
We will NEVER sell your information nor will we contact you so often you'll want to disconnect your email account (because nobody's got time for that!). We respect your time and privacy.
Your success is important to us and we'd love to help get your name out there!
Now that we have covered the details, here's where you tell us about yourself!